The Code After watching Da Vinci Code, I'm convinced everything in this world is coded in some ways to tell us something about our past, how we ended where we are now, and where we're heading into. In DVC, Templar Knights have been protecting the Holy Grail. In present time, Robert Langdon has been tasked to protect P.S. a.k.a. Princes Sophie whose true identity, if revealed to the world, will shake the very foundation of church's power on earth. I'm convinced, I am actually a TemPLar knight, tasked to find, woo, marry and protect P.S. a.k.a..... Princess Sharon, whose true identity, if revealed to the world, will shake the very foundation of my mediocre life. Hey, who says P.S. cannot be a chinese? If there's no proof that says Mary is a prostitute, or that J.C. is a god, or just an extraordinary man, then I think it's possible that somewhere along the bloodline, one of them decide to marry a chinese, produce an offspring and ship him/her to Nepal or somewhere in China bordering Russia where he/she won't look out of place. It will be a smart move. Think about it, the Council of Shadow will be hunting all over Europe while the offspring grow up peacefully undisturbed in a different part of the world, marry another chinese, produce more offspring, and after a few generations, you can't tell the latest bloodline is not a pure chinese. Eventually, one of them decides to migrate to this part of the world, to look for a better life, establishes root here, totally oblivious to his/her own true identity. It will be the biggest secret of humankind, rival that of the darkest con of man. O lame shit.


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