The uproar about this video by NameWee
I fail to understand why are people so negative about it. When I say 'people', mostly the Malay Muslim population.
They say Namewee shows no respect to the country, and insulted Islam.
Negarakuku, apparently to them is an obscene word. They didn't like the addition of another 'ku' to the existing 'ku'. And they didn't like that he sang in front of 'Jalur Gemilang'.
He sang about our policemen's fondness for drinking 'kopi' and 'teh'. He sang about our civil service fondness to make the public wait while they take frequent naps and enjoy their 'kueh'. He sang about general population of Malaysia being woken up every morning by the practice of Muslims blaring their 'sembahyang subur' to the whole neighbourhood through their mosque's loudspeakers.
The reaction was severe. Ministers start issuing warning. Some politicians urge their henchmen to check whether he can be charged under any law. Education officials ran a check to see if he's on government scholarship or study loan. Racial sentiment runs high on the internet. Online users (I assume Malay most of them, if not all) starts labeling him 'pengkhianat' (traitor). They threaten to 'sembelih' (slaughter/decapitate) him if he ever comes back. And they say if other chinese in the country don't like it, we can all leave Malaysia and go 'back' to China. They gave Namewee the option of staying in Taiwan if he doesn't want to end up like what Taliban & Al-Qaeda did to their hostages. Somebody even posted video of beheading to reinforce the point. (Source:
Interesting point to note, it was a chinese politician who was the first raised his concern about 'Negarakuku'. Being a politician, I guess he was just trying to placate his malay colleagues. Hey, somebody is going to be unhappy about it anyway, might as well be a chinese first so that the whole thing seems 'fair'. As if to stress a point that chinese don't protect the wrongdoing of another chinese. Being politicians, I understand the need to win votes from the malay communities in your constituencies as well. But how come we don't see Malay politicians criticising their own for wanting to 'spill chinese blood on their land'? How come we don't see any one of them prevent the slaughtering of cows in Parliament? None of them knows that cows are sacred to Hindus after living in the same country for the past 50 years? These, coming from the very people who claimed to fight for equality for all.
What wrong has Namewee done in the first place? Is it not true that almost all Malaysians have heard muslim prayers being broadcasted over loudspeakers in their neighbourhood? Namewee merely sang about a fact. He didn't criticize it. He took the opportunity and used it as alarm clock to help him wake up in the morning. I did the same during my school days. We never understood the need for it, but we never criticize it. We made the most of it. Some people mock us chinese for praying to statue and use oranges as offerings. Did we threaten to 'sembelih' (slaughter) them for mocking us? No, we know they won't understand, we let it be. They could've taken the opportunity to sell us more oranges and other fruits.
Is it not true our dear policemen loves to drink kopi and teh? Even if Namewee wasn't being sarcastic, aren't those the two most common drinks in Malaysia? hahaha...obviously Namewee wasn't referring to our favourite drinks. Everyone knows he was singing about policemen who accept bribes. The thing is, EVERYONE knows. Doesn't that tell you that this is common? Ask any Malaysians and most of them (I would say 4 out of 5) have been asked by some black sheep policeman "Macam mana mahu settle ini?" at least once in their lifetime. Personally, I've "settled" twice. Yes dear, I was caught speeding on my bike once. The first bribery I encountered was during a road trip with my dad. I was too young to understand what happened at that time. We were stopped by police, the policeman uncle talk to my dad for a while, and I saw my dad slip some money to the 'uncle' and he let us go. I was 12. It was after UPSR. Tell me no one else has experienced something similar.
Let's not waste time talking about our 'Jabatan Kerajaan'. These days, they've improved a lot. I was particularly impressed once, I wrote in to The Star to praise them. I was particularly overjoyed my letter was published. hi hi. But the point is, it is another well-known fact.
Namewee has since apologised, twice. In my opinion, he didn't have to. But since he's the one who gets all the flak and feels uncomfortable just because some people feel offended, nobody else has the rights to stop him. What I don't get is why are they so worked up over this. Why don't they organise worldwide protest against Al-Qaeda and Taliban who beheaded their hostages? Why don't they post flamming comments or spam websites that posted those horrifying videos? Why don't they post nasty comments towards thousands of our countrymen who never repaid government study loan and thereby depriving others of enjoying the same privileges? Why don't they criticize those who obtained government contracts but do not deliver? Why don't they rise up against those who commit violence in the name of religion when they know very well their religion do not condone it and is being misused and misinterpreted?
They can't really spell out clearly in what way has he offended them, but they choose to go all out in attacking him. Singing in front of 'Jalur Gemilang' is wrong? I supposed all Malaysian has done wrong by attending those Monday morning assemblies since primary school then. Singing Negaraku in his own way is wrong? Then jail that guy who increased the tempo several years ago. Better yet, jail the guy who suggested that the tempo be increased as well. Jail the people who hired and paid the guy who increased the tempo as well. His lyrics are offensive? Which part of it is offensive and not true, spell it out exactly. Or is the rapping itself is offensive? Die, KRU members are in deep trouble. All I can think of is the additional 'ku' to his 'Negaraku'. You know, I think he realised he couldn't find enough syllable to match his melody. So he added the 'ku' just so his song will sound complete, although a bit funny and serve to amuse a little bit. 'Negarakuka', 'Negarakuke', 'Negarakuki' and 'Negarakuko' are meaningless. 'Negarakuku', now I'm sure that caused some giggle or outright laughter in some people. But it's harmless fun. So, I think what people are really unhappy about is the part about corrupt policemen, sleepy civil service and the morning 'alarm clock'. They dare not and cannot pin point exactly what is offensive because the lyrics aren't, and what he sang about are true, and they know it. It looks stupid if they're asked to point out what exactly is offensive about his lyrics and they can't. So, they choose something as ambiguous as singing with 'Jalur Gemilang' as backdrop, and the additional 'Ku'. But even those two, I doubt they can explain convincingly.
Our PM himself said Namewee will have to be dealt with by the law despite him apologising to those who feels offended. He may be young and deemed as naive, but PM said let the law deal with him. Why don't he announce in public that the law should deal with people who slaughtered cows in parliament grounds? Isn't that more offensive to Indians? Parliament represent every Malaysian. Surely our MPs are not that young and naive and clueless? They should KNOW it's offensive and yet they did it anyway. As for Namewee, it's not even clear whether his offence is really that. Why don't our PM 'direct' the police and attorney-general to investigate those who threaten to 'spill chinese blood' and let the law deal with them? Surely those who uttered those words know very well it's offensive. Which part of 'slaughter cows in parliament' and 'spill chinese blood' is ambiguous and therefore they're not sure whether 'action' can be taken or the law can be used against them?