17-year old Nanyang Poly Girl home video Something is not quite right here. Despite being married, I get very little 'action', if none at all, I don't remember. So, my knowledge and experience is extremely limited. Ask my wife, she may know better. Anyway, if I'm not wrong (I may be wrong 'coz I have limited knowledge and experience, remember?), this act of...sex... requires at least two parties or two person, not necessarily a guy and a girl because, you know, these days...anyway, so yeah it requires more than one person. Why are they concentrating only on the 17 year old girl? How come only she undergoes counselling? How come the school only meets her family? What about the boyfriend? Am I missing something here? Did "Tammy" drugged her bf and took advantage of him while he's unconscious or raped him or molested him or what? Was she the one who tricked her bf into giving her his virginity all in the name of love when the truth is she just want his body? Ok, so maybe it's consensual. But was she the one who secretly filmed their act of passion without his knowledge? Therefore, it is "Tammy" who needs to be 'punished' now? Imagine what it's like if "Tammy" is your daughter, your sister, your cousin, your niece. In the olden days (long long before my time), if a girl gets herself caught in this kind of situation even though through no fault of her own, she gets blamed (I get this impression from mother and grandmother's stories, as well as Catherine Lim's "The Bondmaid" & "The Teardrop Story Woman", among other books). But now, in the age of UOB-The-Guys-Don't-Get-It-Card, the guy still goes scott-free??? Hunnie...I want to make a video too...can...?...


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