Salesman who sells fridge to Eskimo Have you heard this before ? “A great salesman is someone who can sell fridge to the Eskimo.” True salesperson sells something that his client wants and needs, something that will make his/her life more convenient, something that that he can gain from, something he can get pleasures from. People who sell fridge to Eskimo are not great salesperson, they’re despicable conman. Why in the hell would an Eskimo need a fridge? They have the biggest natural freezer in the world. And it’s free! Imagine an Eskimo with a fridge in this igloo. Where the hell is he going to get electricity for his fridge? How the hell is he gonna push the fridge through the tiny entrance of an igloo? True salesman don’t mislead just to earn extra moolah, they inform. True salesman will sell something that gives his client more benefits. True salesman don’t treat his client like idiots even though sometimes they are. If they’re idiots, true salesman will show them or sell them something that will make them less an idiot.


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