I've been in this project for 2 years already. Things just go on and on until it's becoming meaningless. Endless codings, endless logic, endless documentation, endless dealing with ...... {censored} users. The nice and competent ones are around, everybody would prefer them, but dealings with them are mostly short and simple, straight to the point, straightforward, not much hassle. Instead, the {censored} ones are the one that take up most of your time and requires more effort, gives you more headache, and in some cases, heartache. Why can't I be more like people in my dad's generation? Stay in a job for almost their whole life, doing almost the same thing for years, face the same group of people for ages, and no complaints. Make things a lot easier this way. Don't have to think so much. Do something I have passion in, they say. If I get a hundred dollars for every bowl of beef noodle I eat, you think I'll still be working here? If I get money for every miles I chalk up on my bike, you think I would rather face the computer 10 hours everyday? Things I'm passionate about, needs money, not generates them.


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