Liking something in life
When you like something, why do you really like it?
I like to ride a motorcycle. Why? Because I like the feeling of wind blowing into my face. Why? Because it feels comfortable. A lot of things are comfortable, why choose this kind of comfort? Wind blowing into my face, and the feeling of something powerful between my legs. Why do you need to feel something powerful between your legs? I like the shape of the bike, the sound it makes when I twist the throttle, the ability to lean through a corner, and it looks cool to ride a bike. What is it about the shape or design that you like? Why do you like that kind of sound? Why do you think it looks cool?
I like to eat rojak. Why? Because of the mixture of the prawn paste and fruits taste good. Why do you find it taste good? It's sweet and a bit sour at the same time. Why do you like it sweet and sour at the same time?
I like that girl? Why? Because she's gorgeous and sexy. Why do you think she's gorgeous and sexy? Because of the way she dresses, the way she walks, the way she behaves, the way she speaks. What is it about her dress that you like? Why are you attracted to the way she walks, talks, behaves and speaks? Figure-hugging dress with the slit right up to the crotch, sashay like a model, dimpled smile, soft feminine voice, gentle movement. Why are you attracted to this kind of dress? Why do you like someone who sashay like a model? Why do you someone who has dimples? Why don't you like someone with manly voice instead?
I like to eat chicken rice. Why? I like the taste of chicken. Why do you like the taste of chicken? I just like it....
I like this perfume. Why? I like the flowery smell. Why do you like this kind of smell? Flowery smell is soothing to me. Why not fruity smell? Why not durian smell as perfume?
Why do you like something sweet? sour? bitter? salty? Why do you like black? blue? red? maroon? fluoroscent pink? Why do you like big-boobs? tight butts? chiseled-chin? broad shoulders? long-legs? Why do you like deep low voice? high-ptched shriek? Why do you like curves? straight lines? square? star? Why do you like ornithology? astronomy? feng shui? tarots? Why do you like to eat your porridge scalding-hot? Why do you like raw sashimi? Why do you like eggs? Why do you like to see something blown-up? Why do you like to inflict pain on yourself? Why do you like ang moh stud ? Why do you like asian chicks ?
Why do human like something? It's just the way our brains are wired. So, don't fight it. You like something, admit it and go for it. Don't give crap excuses. Your brain has been set. Resistance is futile. Alternative opinions can go to hell. It's your brain. It's your life.
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