MY Election Aftermath

Malaysia's ruling coalition lost 4 states on top of Kelantan to the opposition. They've been denied 2/3 majority by voters. The media reported that our PM is under increasing pressure to quit. Funny, because the only "increasing pressure" they quoted pressuring PM to quit is Dr M. Sometimes the media is also not impartial. They try to spin things their way.
The worst thing for Abdullah to do now is quit. This is bad for himself, as well as for the country. Nobody should go out in shame. They should be given the opportunity to redeem themselves. Despite all the focus on things he has not done, or not done well, we should remember that he has done well in some areas too. So, be fair to him, especially when the majority decides to keep the government he leads. We should also stop the practice of asking someone to quit when he screw up. That's letting him off too lightly. He should be made to stay and fix his mistakes under greater scrutinization.
I think the biggest mistake for Pak Lah was not 'revamping' his cabinet when he won the election in 2004. He should've seen his landslide victory as a mandate from the rakyat to make sweeping changes. He had great plans and grand ideas, unfortunately his team consisted of people mainly from the previous administration, who does not share his enthusiasms or appreciate fully what he's trying to do. They've been too comfortable sitting up there and reluctant to rock the boat too much, in case they end up falling off it and drown. And so we rakyat:
1) continues having to put up with the minister with a "Big Kemaluan"
2) watch public spat between our Internal Security Minister and the IGP
3) see one MB bitterly question the need to work with Singapore when he should've spend his effort to see HOW we can take advantage of proximity to our richer neighbor
4) see our ministers proudly proclaiming we've trained and produced an astronaut when what we've done is spend millions of taxpayers’ money for a tour around space. Sure they've completed the training, but that's because the Russian don't want an untrained person to mess up their billion dollars space equipments. If I'm the head of Russian space agency, I would be worried too if they're more concerned about how many times should they pray in space, which direction they should face, how to bring teh tarik on board, and many other things that's just too embarrassing to associate ourselves with
5) see our government spend more taxpayers money sending officials to London or Stockholm to "study" their public transportation system when they could've chosen a cheaper "study option" and experience it first-hand by taking the express bus from KL to Singapore and then use their MRT and SBS Transit buses to move around
6) see how some MPs entertain themselves by making fun of women's monthly period in parliament
7) hear how one MP ask custom officials to "close one eye" when it comes to matter related to him
I think the best thing Pak Lah can do now is bring Anwar back into the cabinet since he is widely seen as the one who brought opposition parties together in trouncing BN. This serves 2 purposes. Pak Lah gives Anwar a nice juicy position, say Education Ministry. Rakyat voted in Anwar's party because he promises a lot of change, especially regarding the issue of unfair Malay privileges. Let's see what Anwar will do now that he's given the chance. We don't have to wait till he becomes Prime Minister, which may never happen. Give him a chance to perform as Education Minister, or Transport Minister, or as Home Minister. If he delivers his election promises, then good for rakyat. Our kids get equal chance to get into universities, non-national schools get support from the government, fair opportunities for everyone in businesses and government contracts, revamped public transportation systems, cheaper prices of things, etc. It's also good for Pak Lah, he continues to be seen as the graceful nice guy who dares to bring in Anwar despite protests from his own party members and Dr. M. He can then retire after having done the 'right' thing. In years to come, he may even be hailed as "Father of Change", dare to do the right thing to put our country back in order. The Opposition Alliance will be in shambles after Anwar rejoin BN. He was the 'glue' holding them together and yet he left for BN. Rakyat won't blame him or brand him as traitor since it's easier to change from within the system rather than opposing it from outside. Besides, it was Pak Lah who offered him the post. The Opposition Alliance can't blame him if their genuine cause is to change the country for the better, they should support him instead. If they don’t, then they will be seen as serving their own selfish cause only.
But if Anwar does not perform, then it's a good thing we didn't wait till he becomes the Prime Minister to screw up. Pak Lah can safely say he tried to do the right thing, following rakyat's wishes, thought Anwar can do it since he promised so much and rakyat seems to believe in him. Nobody can blame Pak Lah for not giving Anwar a chance then. Pak Lah can still retire gracefully, say he's done everything he could, even the unthinkable, but he's tired and would like someone else to continue the 'fight. People can finally see that Anwar is only good at talking. He's already been given opportunities twice in his political career, and he messed up both. He won't survive the next election. Pak Lah will be hailed as BN’s hero for finishing what Dr. M couldn’t.


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