Encouraged by my first 2 successful attempts at cooking spaghetti, I'm becoming more adventurous and more determined to be a better cook. I know I need to be more systematic, and be more exact in my steps so that success can be replicated again, and again, and again. And I also need to document the exact steps. I've done it twice already so far. I can do it again. No problem. Peace of cake. My wife will be impressed. She's not the only one who can cook, u know.. *snigger* Found this at the supermarket; carbonara sauce. Unfortunately instructions are in Swedish. Minor obstacle. Just translate it over the web using online tool. Mix content in pot with 3dl of milk. Boil and stir around 2-3 minutes. Serve! Easy... This should be the last step. Let's do other things I've been doing all this while first. This is the meatballs I bought from supermarket. Again, instructions are in Swedish. Easily translated again. ...